God Does Miracles (3 of 3)

For dad only: Signs and Wonders Have your kids seen miracles? Do they know the power of God? Or are you giving them existential religion? Let them see God’s power. Tell them stories. Do not let them forget what He has done for your family. Talk about the miracles of Jesus. Teach them to expect… Continue reading God Does Miracles (3 of 3)

How to Have Inside Beauty (2 of 3)

For dad only: Legalistic Joy-Killer If your home lacks joy, you are probably a hard-fisted, rule-making jerk. Pushing the kids, berating your wife, and criticizing what they tried to do will lead to a pale gloom in your home. I would rather drink old coffee and breath second-hand smoke at the café than put that… Continue reading How to Have Inside Beauty (2 of 3)